ApiaryX is an ambitious project aiming to address the challenge of sustainable food production for long-term human presence in deep space. The proposal is to use honey bees and their remarkable enzymatic abilities to transform raw freight into easily digestible nutrients for astronauts. Enzymes are vital for digestion and nutrient absorption in living beings, and honey bee enzymes can potentially play a crucial role in space missions by breaking down and processing space-grown resources into nutritionally beneficial forms. The project involves two stages: "Space Nucleus (NUC)" to prepare healthy honey bee colonies on Earth, and "Apiculture Systems" to design self-contained habitats to support honey bee colonies in space. The hive includes life support systems, pollination chambers, and nutrient generation areas to cultivate plants suitable for space nutrition. Honey bees produce valuable substances like Propolis, Royal Jelly, Bee Bread, and Beeswax, rich in essential nutrients. Promoting drone larvae production ensures fresh sources of protein, fats, and calories for astronauts. These bee-generated nutrients offer an innovative way to sustainably nourish astronauts during extended space missions. Beyond nutrition, honey bees' activities inside the hive could serve as indicators of the space environment's overall health, providing early warnings for potential environmental changes. ApiaryX's approach presents an exciting avenue for advancing space nutrition and resource utilization while reducing dependence on Earth-supplied rations and enhancing the self-sufficiency of space missions. Download PDF Apis Stellaris