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Bee Evolved


As a technology-driven enterprise, we wholeheartedly embrace the wonders of nature as our foundation. Our corporate vision is a perfect blend of Apiculture and Technology, where these realms harmoniously coexist.

From the very beginning, Bee Evolved LLC has nurtured an ethos centered around the synergy of Technology and Nature. We are passionately committed to embracing the thrilling advancements of technology while remaining deeply connected to the natural world.

The delicate balance between technology and nature is at the core of our daily lives and business practices. Our primary objective is to ensure that for every terabyte we utilize and every carbon footprint we leave, we also contribute by sowing seeds and fostering thriving wild Honey Bee colonies.

We firmly believe that technology and nature should work in harmony, complementing each other seamlessly. We see it as our daily responsibility to Mother Earth and the diverse creatures that inhabit it. Our aspiration is to give back to nature even more than we take.

Our enthusiasm for technology matches our deep reverence for the natural world, with a special emphasis on Beekeeping and the vital role Honey Bees play.

Honey Bees play a crucial role as pollinators, facilitating the growth of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Their task involves transferring pollen between the male and female parts of plants, allowing them to produce seeds and bear fruit. A healthy population of both captive and wild Honey Bees creates a stronger and healthier planet.

Unfortunately, in recent decades, bee colonies have been disappearing, a phenomenon known as 'colony collapse disorder.' This has led to a drastic decline in bee populations, with some regions experiencing up to a 90% decrease.

Our approach to Honey Bee husbandry combines modernity with ancestral wisdom. We avoid the use of smoke, chemicals, and medications in our hives, striving to nurture Honey Bees through the most natural means possible. Concurrently, we leverage cutting-edge technology to facilitate the remarkable resurgence of wild Honey Bee populations.

One of our foremost imperatives is to establish an extensive network of natural and wild Honey Bee colonies. By revitalizing the decimated Honey Bee populations affected by colony collapse disorder, we aim to restore balance and fulfill our company's mission.

Enabling the Honey Bee population to thrive abundantly is of paramount importance for the betterment of our precious planet.

Prime Focus

  • Advanced Queen rearing for rapid wild and captive colony establishment
  • The cultivation of organic Honey void of additives, medications or contaminants.
  • Alternative modern Honey Bee Hive development with focus on seasonal protectants for regional adapting wild and captive Honey Bees.
  • Transition protocols for transitioning captive Honey Bee populations to the wild.
  • The study and cultivation of organic Propolis , Royal Jelly , Bee Bread/ Bee Pollen/Ambrosia and Beeswax